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场次安排: 北京|太原    起止时间: 2003-03-05 至 2003-03-24


Aris Potamianos (pictured) has been responsible for the design and engineering of Sprint Electric's new range of 3 phase DC Digital Drives type PL & PLX.

Dr Potamianos has a wealth of experience gained from working with companies like Anderson Strathclyde where he pioneered a switched reluctance motor application, Cegelec Industrial Controls,SR Drives and Eurotherm Drives where he was key in the design of their 590 range of
digital drives.

A distinguished engineering academic, Dr Potamianos received the equivalent of a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree from Athens University before proceeding to his masters degree at Manchester and finally PhD from Nottingham.

Dr Potamianos, an effervescent, enthusiastic and solution focused man is regarded as one of the foremost designers of digital drives in the UK today.

Dr Potamianos said, "I am very excited about the new PL & PLX digital drive which will add to an existing excellent product portfolio to ensure Sprint Electric maintains its formidable presence in the drives market place".
英国电气(SPRINT ELECTRIC)集团,是专业设计、制造、生产直流驱动器的厂家,也是世界上较早的直流驱动技术的推起者。雪普直流驱动器总设计师Potamianos博士原为欧陆590核心设计人,其雪普电机驱动技术独树一帜。信誉和业绩已在英国和全球得到认可,该产品的应用范围在50W-3700kW,驱动器外型紧凑,呈袖珍柜式,可集成在任何柜子中。 安装和接线都十分方便、快捷。性能卓越:
  雪普直流驱动器在中国市场的日益扩大与发展,得到了广大用户的支持与认可,值此新年到来之际,为答谢广大用户,使大家更好地得到世界领先的直流驱动技术与产品,由海外留学博士等专业人员创建的雪普自动化与雪普环球科技将在2003年3月17日和3月20日分另在北京和太原,举办英国雪普直流调速全系列产品技术讲座与交流会,并进行现场演示与技术交流,欢迎有意参加的代理商、分销商、客户、销售商、集成商、专业技术人员等联系预约:010-63436020、63436021、63436022-206 王红梅。

