- 工业过程控制系统及设备;
Industrial process control systems and equipment
- 工业控制计算机、可编程控制器、集散控制系统及智能控制系统、过程自动化控制系统、自控系统、测控系统、监控系统,现场总线技术与产品;
Industrial conatrol computers, programmable controllers, distributed
control sys tems and intelligent control systems, field bus.
- 工厂过程自动化技术与设备; 仪器仪表(饮食检测、分析、计量、质控等)、执行机构与工业机器人、自动化元件;
Instruments and meters including testing, analyzing, measuring,
quality control, actuators, robots and automation assessories.
- 机电一体化、高新技术改造传统产业的技术装备;
Contemporary equipment to upgrade traditional industries, electro-mechanical
technologies and equipment.
- 变频调速与伺服控制、数控、数显设备等电气传动装备;
Electric driving equipment including VVVF converters, digital
control and digit al display equipment.
- 各类传感器、传感器敏感材料、辅助材料及制造技术;
Sensors, sensing materials, supplement materials and sensor production
- 计算机及其外部设备、应用软件及软件开发装置;
Computers and peripherals, software and software development tools.
- 管控一体化、数据采集、信号处理、住处管理系统及装备、仿真与虚拟现实;
Management control systems, data acquisition, signal processing,
information mana gement systems, emulation and virual reality.
- 电力自动化系统及装备;
Automation of Electric power systems
- 声音、图像、图形处理及计算机可视化设备;
Audio, image and graphic processing, and display equipment.
- 液压与气动元件、自动化主体仓库; 办公自动化、楼宇自动化及计算机集成制造系统 ;
Office automation systems, construction automation equipment and
special purpose computer systems.
- 其它有关电子、通讯、电控设备、各类零配件及成套系统和装置。
Other communication and control devices, equipment and systems.