2006/4/7 15:36:00
2006年3月6 - 9日第十届中国(广州)国际工业控制自动化及仪器仪表展览会在广州举办。德国科维软件有限公司向来访者展示了IEC61131软件产品并引起了来访者们的极大兴趣。
德国科维软件有限公司(KW-Software GmbH)以其IEC 61131 PLC编程工具MULTIPROG,IEC 61131 PLC控制引擎ProConOS,以及易于使用的机器可视化系统ProVisIT等产品,而成为全球自动化领域具有领导地位的创新立异的公司。德国科维软件通过向自动化解决方案供应商提供自动化软件产品和技术,而成为他们的系统合作伙伴。25年以来,德国科维软件的上百个合作伙伴将无数的基于德国科维软件的解决方案应用于全球自动化生产线的各个角落,每天都证明着德国科维软件的高效与可靠。德国科维软件带领着众多的合作伙伴锐意进取、不断创新,永远是第一个将最先进的信息技术应用于工业控制领域,常常为未来的应用提供前瞻性的解决方案
From March 6 to 9, 2006, China (Guangzhou) International Factory Automation & Instrument Exhibition was held in Guangzhou. KW-Software presented visitors their IEC 61131 products which attracted a lot of interests of visitors
With the products of IEC 61131 PLC programming tool MULTIPROG, IEC 61131 PLC control engine ProConOS, and the easy-to-use machine visualization system ProVisIT, KW-Software has become the internationally leading provider for open software solutions in the field of global automation, and has become the system partner for automation solution providers by providing these automation software products and technologies. During the past 25 years, hundreds of partners has applied the solutions to various global automation production lines, verifying the efficiency and safety of KW-Software. KW-software leads the partners to be innovative and progressive, and always to be the first one to apply the most advanced information techniques to the fields of industry control, and often provides the front-edge solutions for the future applications.
德国科维软件向来访者们展示了用于控制和自动化工程的革命性的软件解决方案: 全中文化的MULTIPROG 4.0, 强大的PLC运行核心ProConOS 3.3, 可裁剪的人机界面ProVisIT 2.3 等等. 我们还展示了一些合作伙伴的硬件以及这些硬件与德国科维软件的完美配合.
Many Thanks for Visiting Our Booth
KW-Software presented the innovative and well-matured software solutions for control and automation engineering: Full Chinese MULTIPROG 4.0, the strong PLC runtime core ProConOS 3.3, the scalable HMI ProVisIt 2.3 and so on. We also showed some of our partner’s hardware and their perfect integration with KW software.
德国科维软件有限公司(KW-Software GmbH)以其IEC 61131 PLC编程工具MULTIPROG,IEC 61131 PLC控制引擎ProConOS,以及易于使用的机器可视化系统ProVisIT等产品,而成为全球自动化领域具有领导地位的创新立异的公司。德国科维软件通过向自动化解决方案供应商提供自动化软件产品和技术,而成为他们的系统合作伙伴。25年以来,德国科维软件的上百个合作伙伴将无数的基于德国科维软件的解决方案应用于全球自动化生产线的各个角落,每天都证明着德国科维软件的高效与可靠。德国科维软件带领着众多的合作伙伴锐意进取、不断创新,永远是第一个将最先进的信息技术应用于工业控制领域,常常为未来的应用提供前瞻性的解决方案
From March 6 to 9, 2006, China (Guangzhou) International Factory Automation & Instrument Exhibition was held in Guangzhou. KW-Software presented visitors their IEC 61131 products which attracted a lot of interests of visitors
With the products of IEC 61131 PLC programming tool MULTIPROG, IEC 61131 PLC control engine ProConOS, and the easy-to-use machine visualization system ProVisIT, KW-Software has become the internationally leading provider for open software solutions in the field of global automation, and has become the system partner for automation solution providers by providing these automation software products and technologies. During the past 25 years, hundreds of partners has applied the solutions to various global automation production lines, verifying the efficiency and safety of KW-Software. KW-software leads the partners to be innovative and progressive, and always to be the first one to apply the most advanced information techniques to the fields of industry control, and often provides the front-edge solutions for the future applications.
德国科维软件向来访者们展示了用于控制和自动化工程的革命性的软件解决方案: 全中文化的MULTIPROG 4.0, 强大的PLC运行核心ProConOS 3.3, 可裁剪的人机界面ProVisIT 2.3 等等. 我们还展示了一些合作伙伴的硬件以及这些硬件与德国科维软件的完美配合.
Many Thanks for Visiting Our Booth
KW-Software presented the innovative and well-matured software solutions for control and automation engineering: Full Chinese MULTIPROG 4.0, the strong PLC runtime core ProConOS 3.3, the scalable HMI ProVisIt 2.3 and so on. We also showed some of our partner’s hardware and their perfect integration with KW software.
菲尼克斯电气 IEC61131 · PROFINET 技术研讨会9月开始啦!