来自施耐德电气工业事业部总监Mike Hughes的勉励
——— 未来是“自动化世界”的未来!
2008/4/15 17:11:00
Well the future is an "Automation everywhere" future!
If you look at the current trends of technology you cannot help but notice that the world is becoming more and more automated, connected on line 24/7, immediate data availability, live remote control and monitoring, and products that are becoming more and more intelligent and inter connected. In the coming years almost all products will have built in intelligence and will communicate with the controller / network by wireless communication.
What are our customers’ problems?
OEM Customers Problems.
OEMs are concerned first and foremost about controlling mechanical movements, these mechanical movements determine the performance of his machine and therefore the final quality and quantity of the product he produces on that machine. For an OEM the key points he is interested in are speed, accuracy, reliability, ease of assembly and connecting of products, Plug and play compatibility, ease of use of the final machine for his customer, after sales service local and global when his machine is shipped overseas.
End Users Customers Problems.
End Users who are constructing and operating large production plants or infrastructure facilities are concerned with the safe and reliable operation of the processes within those facilities. If these processes break down it is normally associated with the large production losses or in some cases can be critically dangerous. What the End User customer is interested in is system design, system functionality and system reliability, built in redundancy, live control and monitoring of processes with fast warnings when problems occur, data acquisition, data analysis, ease of use and maintenance, supplier reputation and local service.
Our Ambition in Automation.
As Automation is so important for our future it is not our ambition to be a follower but to remain a leader in the Automation and control Market.
This journey starts with truly understanding the needs of our customers who use out products every day to solve their problems. Schneider Electric has reorganized automation business around two customer types, namely OEM and EU/SI with the goal of really understanding what their problems are and how best to add value in helping them to solve them.
The Automation Journey.
While our journey in the automation market is not going to be complete in one year I am very happy to say that Schneider Electric China is more advanced than most in that journey.
In this area Schneider Electric is already a world leader and we want to protect and develop our business in products even further.
Mike Hughes
If you look at the current trends of technology you cannot help but notice that the world is becoming more and more automated, connected on line 24/7, immediate data availability, live remote control and monitoring, and products that are becoming more and more intelligent and inter connected. In the coming years almost all products will have built in intelligence and will communicate with the controller / network by wireless communication.
What are our customers’ problems?
OEM Customers Problems.
OEMs are concerned first and foremost about controlling mechanical movements, these mechanical movements determine the performance of his machine and therefore the final quality and quantity of the product he produces on that machine. For an OEM the key points he is interested in are speed, accuracy, reliability, ease of assembly and connecting of products, Plug and play compatibility, ease of use of the final machine for his customer, after sales service local and global when his machine is shipped overseas.
End Users Customers Problems.
End Users who are constructing and operating large production plants or infrastructure facilities are concerned with the safe and reliable operation of the processes within those facilities. If these processes break down it is normally associated with the large production losses or in some cases can be critically dangerous. What the End User customer is interested in is system design, system functionality and system reliability, built in redundancy, live control and monitoring of processes with fast warnings when problems occur, data acquisition, data analysis, ease of use and maintenance, supplier reputation and local service.
Our Ambition in Automation.
As Automation is so important for our future it is not our ambition to be a follower but to remain a leader in the Automation and control Market.
This journey starts with truly understanding the needs of our customers who use out products every day to solve their problems. Schneider Electric has reorganized automation business around two customer types, namely OEM and EU/SI with the goal of really understanding what their problems are and how best to add value in helping them to solve them.
The Automation Journey.
While our journey in the automation market is not going to be complete in one year I am very happy to say that Schneider Electric China is more advanced than most in that journey.
In this area Schneider Electric is already a world leader and we want to protect and develop our business in products even further.
Mike Hughes

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