双赢合作触发业务繁荣 - 英之冠常务董事Thomas HUNG专访
英之冠担任高诺斯航空航天品牌的经销商已经超过十年。今年我们与英之冠共同参展亮相中国航展,拓展我们的共同目标市场 - 航空航天。
From right to left :
ThomasHUNG, Managing Director, Topcast
VivianWU, Communication Department, CrouzetAerospace
JohanJOTDTS, International Sales,
Crouzet Aerospace
Backing to early 90's, Topcast with its 2 major business range: Aviation and Industrial, each sector operates with its respective areas of expertise by acting as the Stocking Distributor and/or Representative in the Asia Pacific region for manufacturers and service providers worldwide.
Topcast has been acting as distributor of Crouzet Aerospace for over a decade, and this year we decide to join China airshow in Zhuhai by presenting a shared booth with Topcast for our mutual target segment – aerospace industry.
期间我们邀请到英之冠的常务董事Thomas Hung接受采访,综合多年的合作并展望未来如何持续通过合作实现共赢。
During the show, we invited Thomas Hung to a short interview, during which he commented on our cooperation and looked towards future.
Q1: When and how did you start working with Crouzet Aerospace?
Topcast: We have been working with Crouzet Aerospace for many years till now, counting from 1998. Our cooperation started with products ranging from control wheel, circuit breakers and switches. Products offered by Crouzet Aerospace are with high quality, making Crouzet Aerospace a nice choice for China’s manufacturers.
Q2: What is the best part about working with Crouzet Aerospace?
英之冠:我们与高诺斯航空航天始终保持顺畅的合作关系。主要因为在需要时我们总能从高诺斯航空航天团队获得及时准确的技术支持。高诺斯航空航天提供专业并具有高度技术特性的产品系列。由于我们持续得到高诺斯航空航天团队,特别是国际航空航天销售经理Johan JODTS 良好的支持——凭借他对产品和本地市场的多年经验,成为了两方间沟通的桥梁,使得我们可以很好地解答客户的疑问。
Topcast: Our relationship has always been smooth, primarily because of the good and timely technical support we receive from Crouzet Aerospace when required. Crouzet Aerospace offers very specialized range of products that come with highly technical features. Thanks to the excellent support from Crouzet’s team, particularly from Johan JODTS, International Sales Manager Aeronautics, who is extremely familiar with the products and local market, acting as a bridge between us and Chinese manufacturers, we are able to respond very well to customers’ questions and requirements.
Q3: Is Crouzet Aerospace able to meet all of your customer’s requirements and needs?
Topcast: Requirements from China’s customer are not easy to satisfy. They always ask for the best of quality with a tight schedule, there have been challenges and questions from time to time. For instance, there recently was a question about whether our product meet vibration standards while it had never been an issue with Crouzet products, it takes both sides a lot of coordination and communication to align their test procedures and equipment to resolve the problem.
Till now, there has been no major complaint concerning Crouzet Aerospace products received from customers.
Q4: Would you name a few KEY WORDS for Crouzet Aerospace?
- 持续技术支持
- 深挖中国市场
- 熟识专业趋势
- Continued Technical Support
- Deep Understanding of China Market
- Direction/Trending of China’s Industry Know-hows
中国的航空业在持续增长,对于英之冠和高诺斯航空航天航空航天都是机遇。持续壮大、拓展业务是我们共同的目标。 2017年,我们将继续与英之冠合作、共同探索中国航空航天市场。
China’s aviation industry is growing, it is an opportunity for both of Topcast and Crouzet Aerospace. Keep growing, expanding business in Aerospace is the common goal that we work toward. In 2017, we’ll continue to explore aerospace market in China with support and cooperation of Topcast.
过去 50 年来,高诺斯航空航天 (Crouzet Aerospace) 为起落架控制、执行器、飞行控制系统以及直升机等应用提供探测、电气保护及分配、驾驶舱设备等解决方案。
高诺斯航天 (Crouzet Aerospace) 是 InnoVista Sensors™ 旗下品牌之一。
About Crouzet Aerospace
With more than 50 years of presence in the aerospace market, Crouzet Aerospace is a specialist providing customized solutions for electromechanical switches, inductive sensors, electrical protection and cockpit equipment backed up by a loyal and experienced team of experts available worldwide.
Crouzet Aerospace is a brand of InnoVista Sensors™.
