线上培训 | Softing DTS.Monaco 9—仅对于戴姆勒及戴姆勒供应商
(仅对戴姆勒及戴姆勒供应商 | Just for Daimler and Daimler Suppliers)
Softing DTS.Monaco is a standardized diagnostic tool, an extensive off--line diagnostic tool for the engineering sector which covers the work of diagnostic testing and analysis in the fields of engineering, testing, preproduction and production line: service diagnostics, OBD self-diagnosis, Flash programming, measurement and analysis, etc. It integrates the OTX runtime environment, can be easily integrated into the test sequences and corporate processes.
本次培训主要为了用户能够快速了解和使用Softing DTS.Monaco (DTS9) 工程诊断仪。通过对Softing DTS.Monaco (DTS9) 产品与DTS 8产品进行简单的对比介绍,帮助用户了解DTS 9的版本升级主要新增功能。培训会对DTS 9工程诊断仪的功能使用及配置还有控件进行介绍,并通过仿真演示帮助大家更好的了解产品功能。
This training is mainly for users to quickly start and configure Softing DTS.Monaco (DTS 9) engineering tester. It help users have a basic understanding of the main new features of the upgraded DTS 9 engineering tester by comparing Softing (DTS.Monaco) DTS 9 and DTS 8. The training will also introduce the functions, configuration and controls of DTS 9 engineering tester, and help users better understand the functions of the tester through simulation demonstration.
| 主要内容 | Topics
介绍Softing DTS.monaco (DTS 9) 工程诊断仪的使用配置,项目创建及工程工作控件配置。
Introduces the use and configuration of Softing DTS.Monaco (DTS 9) engineering diagnostic instrument, project creation and engineering work control configuration.
■ 产品概述 Introduction
■ 系统设置 System setting
■ 项目及工作空间创建 Creation of Project and Workspace
■ 控件介绍 Controls Introduction
■ 项目配置与演示 Project setting and Demonstration
■ 远程诊断 Remote Diagnostics
■ 常见问题解答 Frequently Asked Questions
| 主讲人 | Speaker
陈 灿 Softing技术工程师 | Carol Chen Softing Technical Engineer
| 时间 | Time
■ 2021年3月19日14:00-16:00(时长:2小时)| 19th March, 2021 14:00-16:00 (Duration: 2h)
| 报名方式 | Registration Method
■ 点击文末“戳这里”,进行在线报名 (Click "Stamp here" at the end of the article to register online.)
| 联系方式 | Contact
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