- 型号:BZX8038
- 数量:10000000
- 制造商:防爆控制箱(操作柱)
- 有效期:2096/12/4 0:00:00
BZX8038防爆控制箱(操作柱)(ⅡC) BZX8038防爆控制箱(操作柱)|浙江操作柱型号|温州操作柱
网址:http://www.xqfbex.com/ 适用范围:
1. 爆炸性气体环境危险场所:1区、2区;
2. 可燃性气体、蒸气级别:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC;
3. 温度组别:T1~T6;
4. 户内、户外 (IP65)。
1. For the dangerous sites with explosive air mixture:
1 division、2 division;
2. Flammable gas, steam class:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC;
3. Temperatures classification:T1~T6;
4. Indoor and outdoor (IP65) 。
1. 外壳内装隔爆型元件;
2. 外壳采用玻璃纤维增强不饱合聚脂树脂压制而成,具有外形美观、耐腐蚀、抗静电,耐冲击及热稳定性好等优良性能;
3. 隔爆型控制开关具有结构紧凑、可靠性好、体积小、通断能力强、寿命长等优点;
4. 控制开关触头接触型式和操作位置除表中所列品种外,还可根据用户要求特殊选择;
5. 元件排列组合可按用户要求随意组合;
6. 所有的坚固件都采用不锈钢螺钉;
7. 电缆布线
8. 符合GB3836-2000、IEC60079, GB12476.1-2000、IEC61241标准要求。
1. The increased safety is mounted the flame-proofing elements inside;
2. The pressing shell made of fiberous glass, reinforced unsaturated polyster resin has elegant out looking and good properties
for corrosion-proof, static electrity resistance impact resistance and reliable-heating;
3. The flame-proofing controlling with tight structure, good reliability and small bulk has strong capacity for cutting out and in, and
the long service life, etc;
4. Besides the varieties listed in the table, control switch contact s contacting type and operation position can be chosen specially
according the requirement of users;
5. The element arrangement combination can be freely combined according to the re-quirement of users;
6. All the fastening pieces are adopted the stainless steel screw;
7. Cable wiring.
8. Suitable for GB3836-2000、IEC60079, GB12476.1-2000、IEC61241 standard request.
1. 爆炸性气体环境危险场所:1区、2区;
2. 可燃性气体、蒸气级别:ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC;
3. 温度组别:T1~T5;
4. 户内、户外(IP54,可按用户要求达到IP65)。
1. For the dangerous sites with explosive air mixture:
1 division、2 division;
2. Flammable gas, steam class: ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC;
3. Temperatures classification: T1~T5;
4. Indoor and outdoor (IP54, It could be designed as
IP65 according to user`s requirements).
- 电话:0577-57572534
- 传真:0577-57572534
- email:870174748@qq.com
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