2011/12/12 14:35:44
0 人气:7
- 型号:255F/D80/F32/ELIN/SER0
- 数量:1000
- 制造商:因维斯
- 有效期:2019/12/27 0:00:00
方块科技(上海)有限公司主要经营欧陆卡件,福克斯波罗卡件,霍尼韦尔,倍加福安全栅等工业仪表.均有现货. 现本公司自制研发了一批隔离配电器,欢迎来电咨询. 方块科技(上海)有限公司将为您提供完善的选型服务,售后服务以及技术支持,并备有大量常用型号的库存。 订货号|Order Code:255F/D80/F32/ELIN/SER0 1 – IOC and software L = Standard License D = Data Logging Foundation Standard Control Advanced 2 – Flash Card Size 3 – Ethernet Communications Protocol 4 – Serial Communications Protocol Foxboro PAC产品从2010年起采用新的设计(包括外观改动),但新设计的卡件与老卡件接口通用。 我公司常年备有库存,现货供应,请来电或邮件咨询。 免费咨询热线:4000-007-332 邮件|Email:info@dd.biz
Basic product
255F Programmable Automation Controller
L10/D10 Unbounded 0 0 off
L20/D20 Unbounded 50 4 off
L30/D30 Unbounded 100 8 off
L40/D40 Unbounded Unbounded 12 off
L50/D50 Unbounded Unbounded 16 off
L60/D60 Unbounded Unbounded 24 off
L70/D70 Unbounded Unbounded 32 off
L80/D80 Unbounded Unbounded Unbounded off
L90/D90 Unbounded Unbounded Unbounded on
F32 32M Flash card (standard)
NONE None fitted
ELIN Ethernet Local Instrument Network (LIN) peer-to-peer
MBTM Modbus-TCP Master communications (includes LIN peer-to-peer)
SER0 HMI communications (non isolated)
MOD0 Modbus master communications (non isolated) and Raw communications
PBUS Profibus DP slave communications (9 pin D connector)备注:
- 电话:021-51095088-854
- 传真:021-51010505
- email:tang@functionunit.com


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