
当前页面: 首页 >供求信息 >康明斯喷油器


供稿:CC稀饭 2012/7/20 10:34:37


  • 数量:100

  • 有效期:2022/12/30 0:00:00






典型的发动机配件有:缸体,上修理包,下修理包,缸套,活塞冷却喷嘴,凸轮轴承,曲轴,曲轴前齿轮,活塞,活塞环,活塞销,连杆瓦,连杆,发电机皮带,前齿轮室盖衬垫,水泵驱动油封,气缸盖,气缸盖垫片,进气门,排气门,进气门座圈,排气门座圈,气门导管,气门锁夹,气门推杆,喷油推杆,摇臂室,摇臂室盖,机油冷却器芯,机油泵,水泵总成,水泵修理包,燃油泵,中冷器修理包,中冷器芯,节温器,喷油器总成, PT泵,大流量执行器(常闭),电磁切断阀,起动马达,海水泵,热交换器,油压表,油温表,水温表,电压表,转速表,温度传感器。温度报警器,油压传感器,油压报警器,速度传感器,调速控制器,

Diesel engine fuel injection pump adjustment
A: the maximum supply quantity adjustment
VE type fuel injection pump oil supply amount is controlled by the plunger oil drain hole stroke length to modulate ( commonly known as oil metering ). Oil volume adjustment lever can rotate around the fixed to the pump body to pivot A rotation, and speed control lever can rotate around the fixed on the oil volume adjustment lever fulcrum B rotation. When need to adjust the amount of oil ( such as rated fuel supply ), locking nut, the oil quantity regulating screw rotation ( reduced oil ) or screwed ( increase fuel delivery ).
Two: Governor setting
In the diesel engine fuel injection pump oil supply after the adjustment, must undertake the governor adjustment, to get at the rated capacity of the rated speed, maximum speed (" speed" speed ) and the minimum stable speed ( idle speed ).
The maximum speed limit screw adjustment - governor" coaster" speed test; the speed regulating arm pull through to the end, with the speed limit screw contact; and then check engine rated speed oil supply meets the requirements of engine oil. Gradually increase the speed of pump, so as to achieve the maximum speed ( oil ). The single cylinder oil supply amount of not more than1ml/200. If the feed quantity is larger than a prescribed value, the speed limit screw is screwed into the oil supply, can be reduced.
②idle screw adjustment - idle speed test: the adjustment arm completely relaxed, and hit the idle adjusting screw, so that the fuel injection pump with250-300r/min speed (according to the engine idle speed requirements ), the single cylinder oil shall be in accordance with the provisions of the engine idling. Fuel injection pump in idle speed, such as the oil supply amount is lower than the prescribed value, the idle screw is screwed into the adjustment, until the appropriate date.
Three: injection timing adjustment
柴油机 喷油泵在不同转速时,喷油提前机构的活塞行程应符合规定要求。在检查活塞行程时,可拆下装有弹簧一端的盖板,装上专用测量工具,测量活塞行程。当活塞行程达不到规定值时,可相应地增加或减少垫片厚度进行调整(在弹簧的两端至少应各装一个垫片)。然后再进行喷油正时的调整,装上发动机后,应先进行最佳供油提前角的调整。具体步骤如下:
Diesel engine fuel injection pump in different speed, fuel injection advance mechanism of the piston stroke should be consistent with the requirements. Check piston stroke, with one end of the spring is removable cover plate, mounted on the special measurement tools, measurement of piston stroke. When the piston stroke is not up to the specified value, can increase or decrease the thickness of the gasket is adjusted ( at the two ends of the spring are respectively provided with a gasket shall be at least ). And then the injection timing adjustment, mounted on the engine, priority should be given to the best fuel supply advance angle adjustment. The specific steps are as follows:
First in the fuel injection pump drive shaft is provided with the driving gear, and the cavity is filled with diesel, exhaust air, through the power of the electromagnetic valve. Then slowly according to the normal operation of the direction of rotation gear.
The slow rotation engine, the first cylinder is provided the optimum fuel angular position.
The fuel injection pump mounted on the engine, the transmission gear and engine on the corresponding drive gear.
Note: in the assembly process to be especially careful, prevent the fuel injection pump drive gear to rotate, so as to ensure the correct position of the fuel injection pump start oil.
④tighten fastening nuts on the flange of fuel injection pump.
The rotation of the engine crankshaft, careful observation of the first cylinder oil injection pump starts when advance angle is consistent with the provisions. If the fuel supply advance angle and deviation, available rotary oil pump housing ( oil pump casing pump rotation along the direction of rotation ) method to adjust. As the advance angles are more, by rotating the pump shell is not up to the requirements, must be removed to adjust oil pump, gear and oil pump driving shaft gear position, until the fuel supply advance angle in accordance with the provisions.

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