ProSoft Technology盛装出席2011年度AB芝加哥站展览会
ProSoft Technology 公司参加了2011年度AB芝加哥站展览会,该展览会中展示以下设备:1、QuickServer楼宇自动化网关设备,该设备提供了BACnetTM,LonWorksTM与JCI Metasys® N2楼宇自动化系统之间通讯的解决方案; 2、SlotServer楼宇自动化机架式解决方案; 3、迁移解决方案。这些模块可以帮助用户将使用的Modicon S908,德州仪器505远程I/ O,通用电气公司的Genius I / O总线,霍尼韦尔IPC- 620 I / O或PROVOX控制I / O总线控制系统转换到EtherNer/ IP; 4、网络扩展/中继器; 5、DeviceNet网关。
In-Chassis solutions for Building Automation
SlotServer provides in-rack connectivity between the Rockwell
Automation® ControlLogix platform and an array of Building
Automation Systems and Fire Alarm Control Panel protocols.
Gateways for Building Automation
The QuickServer gateways enable communication between
BACnet™, LonWorks™ and JCI Metasys® N2 building automation
protocols and several of the more pervasive serial and Ethernet
protocols, including EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP/IP.
Migration Solutions
These new migration modules provide a phased approach for
migrating legacy controlsystems to Allen-Bradley programmable
Automation Controllers.
Customers needing to migrate control systems that use Modicon
S908, Texas Instruments 505 Remote I/O, GE Genius I/O Bus,
Honeywell IPC-620 I/O or Provox Control I/O Bus to an
EtherNer/IP-enabled PAC. These modules are a key part of
Rockwell Automation's Migration Solutions.
DeviceNet Gateways
With Support of the new DeviceNet protocol gateways, ProSoft
Technology now offers a solution to integrate ASCII devices,
Modbus devices, and legacy Opto 22 units into a DeviceNet
control system.
Network Exteners/ Repeaters
Extenders provide a cost-effective solution for increasing
network length to reach devices in remote locations.
Available for DeviceNet, SDS (Smart Distributed System),
J1939, CAN_open and other CAN, V2.0, Part A or part B
serial bus systems.

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