- 型号:3029/4039/4045/6068/6081/6125
- 数量:1000
- 制造商:宁波北仑日兴动力科技有限公司
- 有效期:2020/7/1 0:00:00
宁波日昕动力科技有限公司建立了一套完整的美国强鹿JOHN DEERE柴油机、柴油发电机零配件供应体系,全天候快速响应,纯正的美国强鹿JOHN DEERE柴油机、柴油发电机配件是您最佳的选择,因为您所得到的是延长美国强鹿JOHN DEERE柴油机、柴油发电机动力系统寿命的最佳保证。
特别声明:我司只销售强鹿JOHN DEERE柴油机、柴油发电机原厂配件,需付厂或防品件请绕道,谢谢。
强鹿JOHN DEERE柴油机配件有:活塞环喷油器滤清器修理包燃油泵油封节温器燃油管水管仪表电器螺栓螺母活塞冷却喷咀凸轮轴衬套皮带软管连杆瓦主轴瓦齿轮机油油嘴 PT泵配件 抱箍卡箍 调速板 电控板 气门 缸盖 活塞 缸套 连杆 曲轴 缸体 排气管 水箱 空压机 机油冷却器 机油盘 中冷器 热交换器 风扇 充电机 起动马达 齿轮室盖 辅助驱动 减振器 飞轮壳 飞轮 摇臂 凸轮从动件 增压器 机油泵 海水泵 水泵 润滑油 油咀 油泵 滤清系统 涡轮增压器 PT燃油泵 滤芯 支架 隔套 进气管 皮带轮 机油尺管 油管 防护罩 接头 密封圈 紧固件 垫片等配件
约翰迪尔美国强鹿JOHN DEERE全系列产品型号有:3029DF128、4039DF008、4045TF258、6068TF158、6068TF258、6068HF158、6068HF258、6081HF001A、6081HF001B、6125HF070A、6125HF070B、6125HF070C。
John Deere约翰迪尔强鹿柴油发动机气缸盖厚度的测量
Measure Cylinder Head Thickness Serial
Number ( —199,999)
RG4421 –UN–05DEC97
Cylinder Head Thickness
A—Head Thickness
Measure head thickness (A) from valve cover gasket
rail-to-combustion face.
Cylinder Head—Thickness 155.45—155.71 mm
(6.120—6.130 in.)
Wear Limit ................................................................ 154.69 mm (6.09 in.)
Combustion Face Surface
Finish (Surface Mill Only to AA
Finish) 1.5—2.8 micrometers
(60—110 micro-in.)
Maximum Wave Depth........................................... 0.012 mm (0.0005 in.)
If cylinder head thickness is less than wear limit, DO NOT
attempt to resurface. Install a new cylinder head.
Resurfacing Head—Maximum
Material Removal...................................................... 0.762 mm (0.030 in.)
NOTE: If necessary to resurface cylinder head, a
MAXIMUM of 0.762 mm (0.030 in.) can be ground
from new part dimension. Remove ONLY what is
necessary to restore flatness.
IMPORTANT: After resurfacing, check flatness as
described earlier and check surface
finish on combustion face of head.
Check valve recess after grinding. See
NUMBER ( —199,999) earlier in this
group. Valve face may be ground to
bring this characteristic within
John Deere约翰迪尔强鹿柴油发动机测量阀导
Measure Valve Guides Serial Number
( —199,999)
RGR23984 –UN–12JAN98
A—Valve Guides
B—Telescope Gauge
Measure valve guides (A) for wear using a telescope
gauge (B) and micrometer.
Valve Guide—ID 9.51—9.54 mm (0.3745—0.3755
in.) in new head
New Guide-to-Exhaust Valve
Stem—Clearance 0.051—0.102 mm (0.002—0.004
New Guide-to-Intake Valve
Stem—Clearance 0.025—0.076 mm (0.001—0.003
NOTE: Worn guides can allow a clearance of 0.15 mm
(0.006 in.) and still be acceptable. Worn guides
may be knurled to return them to specified
clearance if valve-to-guide clearance is 0.25 mm
(0.010 in.) or less. If clearance exceeds 0.25 mm
(0.010 in.), install oversize valves.
IMPORTANT: ALWAYS knurl exhaust valve guides
before reaming to assure proper valve
guide-to-stem clearance.
- 电话:15088860848 0574-26886646
- 传真:0574-26892499
- email:ygx556@163.com



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